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Luxembourg in figures

Luxembourg at a glance
New information and communication technology
The Luxembourg national flag

Luxembourg at a glance

Official name Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
National holiday 23 June
National language Luxembourgish ("Lëtzebuergesch")
Administrative languages French, German and Luxembourgish
Type of government Constitutional monarchy under a system of parliamentary democracy
Head of State HRH Grand Duke Henri
Head of Government Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker
Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
Political parties in the government Coalition between the Christian Social Party (PCS) and the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (POSL)
Political parties represented in the Chamber of Deputies Christian Social Party (PCS, 24 seats), Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (POSL, 14 seats), Luxembourg Democratic Party (PDL, 10 seats), Green Party (Déi Gréng, 7 seats), Action Committee for Democracy and Justice (ADR, 5 seats). Total: 60 Members of Parliament
Number of Members of the European Parliament from Luxembourg 6 (3 from PCS, 1 from POSL, 1 from PDL and 1 form the Green Party Déi Gréng)


Capital Luxembourg
Administrative divisions 3 districts (Luxembourg, Diekirch and Grevenmacher)
Cantons 12 cantons
Local town council areas 118 local town council areas (communes)
Electoral constituencies 4 electoral constituencies (north, south, east and centre)
Largest communes Luxembourg (77,300 inhabitants), Esch-sur-Alzette (27,900 inhabitants), Differdange (18,900 inhabitants)
Natural regions Oesling in the north (32% of the territory), Gutland in the south (68% of the territory)


Area 2,586km²
Developed area 8.4%
Size 82km from north to south, 57km from west to east
Neighbouring countries Belgium, France and Germany
Highest point 560m (Wilwerdange)
Lowest point 130m (Wasserbillig)


Total population 451,600 (figures for 2004, source: STATEC)
  • of which: Luxembourg nationals: 277,400 (61.42%)
  • foreign residents: 174,200 (38.6%)
    • of which: Portuguese residents: 63,760 (14.1% of the total population)
    • French residents: 21,880 (4.8% of the total population)
    • Italian residents: 18,890 (4.1% of the total population)
    • Belgian residents: 16,040 (3.5% of the total population)
Density Population density: 173 inhabitants/km² (figures for 2004, source: STATEC)
Active population 67.1% (figures for 2004, source: STATEC)
Life expectancy at birth 74 for men, 81 for women (figures for 2000/2002, source: STATEC)
Fertility rate 1.63 children born per woman (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Birth rate (number of births per 1,000 inhabitants) 11.8 (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)

Economy (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)

Currency euro
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) EUR 23.5 billion
GDP per capita EUR 52,600
GDP growth rate 2.1%
Exports EUR 9.9 billion
Imports EUR 12.6 billion
Current balance EUR 2,188 million
Inflation rate 2.3%


National labour force 301,569 people (source: Luxembourg Central Bank)
Cross-border workers 106,900 (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Unemployment rate 4.2% (source: Economic Committee, October 2004)
Employment rate 61% (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Number of banks 169 (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Number of registered companies 26,243 (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
  • of which: 2,450 in the agriculture and wine-producing industry (9.33%)
  • 12 in the non-energy extractive industry (0.04%)
  • 964 in the manufacturing industry (3.67%)
  • 57 in the energy and water industries (0.21%)

  • 1,952 in the construction industry (7.43%)

  • 20,808 in the commercial services industry (79.23%)

New information and communication technology

Households with a computer 74% (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Households connected to the Internet 62% (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Businesses connected to the Internet 97% (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Number of Luxembourg websites online approx. 19,000 (source: Restena)


National road network 2,876 km (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Total number of vehicles 358,499 (figures for 2004, source: STATEC)
Railway lines in use 275 km (figures for 2003, source: STATEC)
Number of passengers who used Luxembourg airport in 2003 1,458,000 (source: STATEC)


Average annual rainfall 782.2mm
Average temperature in January 0.8°C
Average temperature in July 17.5°C

The Luxembourg national flag

The Law of 27 July 1993 authorises the Grand Duke to formulate the precise colour combination of the national flag. The colours are defined in accordance with the international standards in force.

To distinguish the Luxembourg flag (three horizontal red, white and blue stripes) from the Dutch flag, a practical solution has been adopted: the blue on the Dutch flag is ultramarine while that on the Luxembourg flag is sky blue (Pantone colour standard No. 299C). The red corresponds to Pantone colour standard No. 032C.

Le drapeau luxembourgeois

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This page was last modified on : 25-01-2005

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