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[Luxembourg 2005 Presidency of the Council of the European Union]
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Youth Programme

The Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Youth

Europe is keeping pace, which means communicating with neighbours, discovering other towns and cities, enjoying another way of life, studying abroad, living in peace, etc. These are aspects of our daily lives that we have grown accustomed to so easily. Closer institutional and political cooperation at European level has helped to make all these things possible.

Youth Progamme

To many people, however, Europe seems far away, slow to adapt and with no visible results. In line with previous presidencies, the Luxembourg Presidency is preparing a series of events aimed at bringing Europe closer to young people, helping them discover all Europe’s facets and encouraging them to discuss their problems, and their hopes.

A key feature of these events is undoubtedly the direct contact young people will have with those responsible for national youth policies. Young people will be able to put their questions to them and express their hopes. They will be invited to take part in the European debate on the aims and challenges of youth policies. The Presidency will be a milestone in the implementation of the aims outlined during previous presidencies.

The young people of today are the Europeans of tomorrow. They, too, have the opportunity to shape their Europe.

Educating the citizens of tomorrow (22-29 January 2005)

Each year, the "Service national de la Jeunesse" (SNJ), the Luxembourg National Youth Service invites secondary school pupils from all over Europe to Luxembourg to take part in a thematic forum. In 2005, the event will be held within the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency. The forum’s theme for January 2005 will be the education of the citizens of tommorrow in an enlarged Europe. The programme will comprise work sessions and creative workshops. A cultural programme and visits will round off the forum.

Youth event (23-26 April 2005)

Over 100 young Europeans will meet within the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency. They will discuss topical issues and formulate recommendations for the European directorate generals for youth. On the last day, they will be able to exchange views with the directorate generals for youth of the Member States.

Since the comprehensive consultation process in 2000, EU presidencies have been inviting the general public to take part in the European youth policy process.

Directorate general meeting (25-27 April 2005)

The directorate generals for youth of the 25 Member States will meet in Luxembourg. The meeting will enable those present to go into the themes of the open coordination method in more detail. A morning of joint work with the young Europeans who took part in the Youth event is scheduled.

Symposium on ‘Establishing dialogue among actors involved with young people’ (16-18 June 2005)

The common aims of a better understanding of young people include facilitating and promoting exchanges, entering into dialogue and creating networks to guarantee access to knowledge for young people and anticipating future needs. The Luxembourg Presidency will devote a symposium to this issue in June 2005. The symposium will bring together those involved with youth research, youth policy and work aimed at helping young people.

This page was last modified on : 27-01-2005

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