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1. The Fourth Meeting of the Joint Council established by the Economic Partnership, Political Co-ordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Mexico was held in Luxembourg, on 26 May 2005.
2. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista, headed the Mexican Delegation. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration of Luxemburg, Mr. Jean Asselborn, President–in-office of the European Union led the EU Delegation. The European Commission was represented by Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations.
3. At the beginning of the meeting, the Delegations stressed the importance of the links between the European Union and Mexico in terms of history, economy, culture, and shared values. Ministers recognised Mexico’s importance in Latin America and its essential task in regional and international context.
4. Within the framework of political dialogue, the parties proceeded to a discussion about ways to reinforce their political dialogue and enhance coordination in international fora. The delegations expressed their wish to continue efforts to maintain and enhance dialogue and consultation, where appropriate, between Mexico and the European Union within various international bodies and in major international conferences.
5. The Parties discussed the preparation of the 2005 UN Summit. Five years after the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. They stressed that important decisions will need to be made and new political orientations will have to be shaped at the 2005 Summit, with a view to achieve a United Nations Organization that addresses effectively the multidimensional threats and challenges to the peace, security and well being of our nations and peoples. The Parties attach great importance to a good preparation for the Summit.
6. The Parties warmly welcomed the comprehensive report “In Larger Freedom�? that the Secretary-General presented on March 21, 2005. They reaffirmed their determination to contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the conclusions reached at the Conferences held in Monterrey and Johannesburg. They stressed the necessity of a comprehensive reform of the UN's principal organs i.e. the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Security Council as well as the upgrading of the Commission on Human Rights with a view to strengthening and enhancing the representativeness, transparency and effectiveness of the UN system. They are also looking forward to further discussing the creation of a Peace-building Commission. The Parties supported the case made by the Secretary-General for a more comprehensive concept of collective security and share the view that development, security and human rights, rule of law and democracy go hand in hand.
7. In the context of Cooperation and with a view to identify ways and means for a general enhancement of EU-Mexico bilateral relations as a whole, the European Commission outlined its ideas for a renewed approach for Mexico. This approach takes stock of the progress already achieved in the context of the Global Agreement and acknowledges the advances of Mexico in the political and economic spheres.
8. The new approach intends to identify and adopt modalities of cooperation better corresponding to the level of development reached by Mexico and to the international role this country now plays. The new proposed approach intends also to take into account Mexico’s potential for further growth and relevance on the global scene.
9. Future EU-Mexico cooperation should take into account specific sectoral policy dialogues and specific sectoral agreements foreseen in the global agreement. Policy dialogues will be carried out having as reference the modalities already adopted by the EU in its dialogue with other emerging countries of great economic and political relevance but adapting them to the specificities of the EU-Mexico relationship. In this context, particular attention will be devoted to the issue of social cohesion. The EU intends to share with Mexico its experience in the field and support Mexico in identifying its own specific way to enhance internal social cohesion and progress toward further development.
10. Both Parties agreed on the importance of jointly defining the new mechanisms to facilitate the administration of their cooperation, aiming at a more efficient operation of ongoing actions, as well as in future cooperation. In this sense, cooperation authorities from both Parties will continue dialogue on this matter and will inform on progress to the next meeting of the Joint Committee.
11. In concrete terms and in view of the Financing Perspectives period 2007 – 2013, the Parties discussed the main sectors of cooperation and related modalities of implementation.
12. On the trade aspects, the parties acknowledged with satisfaction the completion of the adaptations to the FTA as result of the EU enlargement. Furthermore, a specific protocol on Customs cooperation was recently adopted, permitting an increased cooperation in the area of customs verification.
13. With the regard to the work ahead, the parties took stock of the negotiation on the FTA review clauses in agriculture, investments and services, committing themselves to making progress with the view to deepening such a FTA.
14. The Parties expressed satisfaction for the fruitful discussions held in the context of the Second ministerial meeting for Higher Education between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Mexico-City on 14 & 15 April 2005, and of the Dialogue Forum between the Civil Societies and Government Institutions of Mexico and the European Union, successfully held in Mexico from 28 February to 1 March 2005. The EU side expressed appreciation for the Mexican decision of having the Forum inaugurated by President Fox and Foreign Minister Derbez.
15. The parties took note of the various proposals advanced during the Forum, in particular those about possibilities of institutionalizing the dialogue with the civil society. The Parties expressed their endorsement in principle for institutionalization of the dialogue with the Civil Society and consequently entrusted the next EU-Mexico Joint Committee of identifying the most appropriate methodology and format for such an institutionalization.
16. Finally, the Parties decided to hold the fifth meeting of the Joint Committee in Brussels in the second half of 2005, and that the next meeting of the Joint Council will be held in the first half of 2007. At the next EU-LAC Summit, to be held in Vienna in May 2006, an EU-Mexico Summit is planned.
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