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Press Release
Nicolas Schmit comments on the adoption of the Statute for Members of the European Parliament: "Where there is a political will to reach a compromise, there is a way"

Date of release : 23-06-2005

Policy area : General Affairs and External Relations

Event : European Parliament mini plenary session

The Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs, Nicolas Schmit, commented on behalf of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the European Parliament's adoption of the Statute for Members of the European Parliament during a joint press conference with the President of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell, : "Today is the last day of the Luxembourg Presidency in the European Parliament.Our work here is nicely rounded off with the European Parliament's successful adoption of the Statute for Members of the European Parliament.This is the culmination of a long process and a great deal of work". Mr Schmit thanked the previous Presidencies and the Members of the European Parliament for their commitment. Even though the path to reach a compromise enabling the adoption of the Statute for Members of the European Parliament was long, "it just shows that where there is a political will to reach a compromise, there is a way. There is a lesson there for all other issues. But I am looking to the future with confidence, even in these times of crisis. We will also reach a compromise on the financial perspectives, which probably won't be too far away from the proposal put forward a few days ago by the Luxembourg Presidency at the European Council of 16 and 17 June. Europe is moving forward.Now we have to show the citizens of Europe that we have seen a number of signs and learnt a number of lessons, and that we are at their service to make Europe more transparent, more democratic and more efficient.This statute is a part of that process".

Called on by journalists to comment on the British Prime Minister's speech on the priorities for the British Presidency, Mr Schmit said that he wished "the British Presidency all the best in order to resolve all the problems that we are currently facing, and that its message would be well received by the citizens of Europe".

Mr Schmit went on to describe the debate over the future of Europe as "a positive upcoming debate. We now have to engage in a serious debate over the development and the future of the European Union, on the future development of European integration, on the European social model, which citizens are very much attached to and on the social model confronted by the other fundamental challenge of globalisation. In his speech, Mr Blair announced his support for opening up such a debate. I hope he can make a useful and effective contribution. And what is more, I am sure he will do precisely that. And after that, it will be up to the European people to show the way – to tell us what they want. I believe the European people want a strong, integrated union with a strong economy. But I also believe they want a union that works for the people, that has a vision of solidarity within our Union, and also with people from outside the Union".

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This page was last modified on : 24-06-2005

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