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[Luxembourg 2005 Presidency of the Council of the European Union]
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Information for the media
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Sports (accreditation, press conference)- RECTIFICATION

Date of release : 20-04-2005

Policy area : Education, Youth and Culture Education, Youth and Culture

Event : Informal Meeting of Ministers for Sports

Friday, 29 April 2005, the Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Sports will take place at the Kiem Conference Centre in Luxembourg. Jeannot Krecké, the Luxembourg Minister for Sports, will chair this meeting.

A press conference of the Presidency will be held at 12.15 pm at the CCKiem -and not as initially scheduled at 2.30 pm!-, in the presence of Ján Figel’, the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilinguism.

Media representatives are required to apply online for accreditation before 27 April 2005.

Please read the media guide for more information on this meeting.

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This page was last modified on : 28-04-2005

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