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[Luxembourg 2005 Presidency of the Council of the European Union]
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Capitales en tournée: Meeting Jean-Claude Juncker - Jiří Paroubek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Date : 30-05-2005

Place : Luxembourg, Château de Senningen

Event type : Other

Policy area : General Affairs and External Relations

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker current President of the European Council, has agreed with the Heads of State and Government of the European Union Member States that the traditional tour of the EU capitals, by the President of the Council, will be replaced by the formula "capitales en tournée". The Heads of State and Government will thus, one after the other, come to Luxembourg, in order to prepare the European Council of June 16 and 17 June 2005 in Brussels.

These meetings will take place in Luxembourg between Monday 30 and Thursday 14 June 2005 included.

The meeting between Jean-Claude Juncker and Jiří Paroubek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, falls into this context.  

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Meeting Jean-Claude Juncker - Jiří Paroubek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (photos)
30-05-2005 • Photo • General Affairs and External Relations

This page was last modified on : 30-05-2005

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