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Draft Agenda of the II Meeting of the EU-Chile Association Council- Luxembourg, 26 May 2005

Date of release : 25-05-2005

Policy area : General Affairs and External Relations

Event : EU-Chile Association Council

1. Approval of the agenda

2. Entry into force of the EU-Chile Association Agreement and of the Protocol adapting the Association Agreement to the EU's enlargement

3. Co-operation:

- state of play of bilateral co-operation and the preparations of the Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013

- the upgrading of the bilateral co-operation: policy dialogue and implementation of  bilateral co-operation

4. Trade and trade-related matters:

- evaluation of the EU-Chile Free Trade Agreement

- work ahead

5. Other sectoral issues: air transport

6. Any other business

7. Dates for the next meeting of the Association Council

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This page was last modified on : 26-05-2005

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