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Senhores Presidentes,
Senhores Primeiros-Ministros,
Caros amigos,
Hoje é um dia importante para todos os Europeus, 25 de Abril é uma data especial na história democrática. Foi a 25 de Abril de 1974 que a revolução dos cravos permitiu a instauração da democracia em Portugal o que veio a ter um impacto profundo em transições democráticas no nosso Continente e noutros áreas do mundo. É pois uma feliz coincidência celebrar no mesmo dia a democracia e a ùltima etapa da caminhada da Bulgária e da Roménia para a adesão à nossa União Europeia; uma caminhada que também ela se iniciou com revoluções democráticas há cerca de quinze anos.
Hoje completamos igualmente o quinto alargamento da União que é também o mais ambicioso. Aquele que a história registará como o da reunificação da Europa, que ultrapassa as injustiças do século XX e que consolida a propagação da paz e da liberdade no nosso Continente.
Em breve a Bulgária e a Roménia ocuparão em pé de igualdade o lugar que lhes cabe legitimamente entre os 27 Estados Membros e os cerca de 500 milhões de cidadãos.
A igualdade garante os direitos e as vantagens que a qualidade de membro da União Europeia confere mas implica também obrigações e responsabilidades importantes.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I know that this has been a challenging and demanding voyage. The Union and its Member States set high standards for newcomers. There are good reasons for this: more than ever, the Union is now a community not only of States but of citizens. Its success affects the wellbeing of its people in their everyday life and work.
It is my task and that of the Commission to see that the high standards are met by both existing and future Member States. So: yes, the Commission must sometimes be tough: we point out where the gaps are and we insist that they are addressed well before accession.
If necessary, in the case of serious problems we will take the measures foreseen in the Accession Treaty. But rest assured that we will also be working with you to overcome any difficulties as you make you final push between now and January 2007.
And we have every confidence that you are capable of completing even the most demanding reforms in areas such as public administration and the judiciary.
Of course, these reforms – and preparations for membership in general – should be seen for what they are: an opportunity to ensure your citizens and businesses feel the benefits of membership: benefits such as a safer workplace, a better economy and an increased standard of living, a cleaner environment, a more efficient and transparent administration, and better delivery of justice for all.
So let’s work on this together: the European Commission will provide its help and expertise where needed. We will continue to help through the pre-accession programmes. Assistance is being increased by 30% in the final years before accession and will continue to be delivered in the first years of membership. We are investing together in crucial infrastructure and in transferring know-how.
Mesdames et Messieurs,
A partir de demain, vous participerez en tant qu’«observateurs actifs» aux réunions des divers comités et organes de l’UE et du Parlement européen. Cela vous permettra de rencontrer vos homologues, de faire connaître votre avis et d’apprendre de l’intérieur comment fonctionne l’Union.
Après la signature d’aujourd’hui, le Traité d’adhésion sera soumis pour ratification à tous les parlements des États signataires. Ce processus s’accompagnera d’un effort de communication majeur, pour expliquer l’importance et l’impact de cet élargissement. La Commission jouera son rôle, mais c’est avant tout le travail des dirigeants nationaux, et je compte sur leur engagement actif.
Vous avez attendu ce jour avec espoir et vos attentes sont nombreuses. Et à juste titre: l’adhésion à l’Union européenne est l’aboutissement de longues années de travail acharné.
Vous avez entrepris des réformes souvent difficiles et exigeantes pour construire une société moderne.
Vous pouvez être fiers de vos réalisations, que nous saluons aujourd’hui. Vous avez bien mérité votre récompense
Bienvenue dans l’Union; nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir à nouveau au sein de la famille européenne!
Je vous remercie.
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