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To perform a search in the types of documents related directly to political news (press releases, CFSP statements, speeches, media information, etc), please refer to the advanced search in newsrelated documents.
To navigate in the archives, use the following lists:
Presentation of Community tourism and the programme of the Luxembourg Presidency by Fernand Boden, Minister for Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Tourism and Housing, before the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism
• Speech • Transport, Telecommmunications and Energy
Transport, Telecommmunications and Energy
Lucien Lux addresses the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
• Speech • Environment
Speech of Lucien Lux, Minister for Transport, to the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism
• Speech • Transport, Telecommmunications and Energy
Transport, Telecommmunications and Energy
Fernand Boden presents the Luxembourg Presidency’s priorities for fisheries to the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries
• Speech • Agriculture and Fisheries
Agriculture and Fisheries
Opening address of the Beijing + 10 European Conference by Ms Marie-Josée Jacobs, Minister for Equal Opportunities
• Speech • Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Closing address by Marie-Josée Jacobs, Minister for Equal Opportunities, at the European Conference Beijing + 10
• Speech • Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
"Rural development as an effective instrument of EU policy", Speech by Fernand Boden at the Vienna University of Economics on the occasion of the Eco-social Forum Austria on rural strategies
• Speech • Agriculture and Fisheries
Agriculture and Fisheries
Speech by François Biltgen, Minister for Labour and Employment, at the 7th European Regional Conference of the International Labour Organization in Budapest from 14 to 18 February 2005
• Speech • Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Speech by Jean-Claude Juncker at the 7th European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization
• Speech • Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Statement by Lucien Lux, Luxembourg Minister for the Environment and President of the Environment Council of the European Union, on the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol
• Speech • Environment
Statement on behalf of the EU to the Security Council of the United Nations on small arms
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
545th Permanent Council of the OSCE: EU Statement in response to the Head of the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Douglas Davidson
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
545th Permanent Council of the OSCE: EU Statement on the passing of legislation on extremism and the court ruling to dissolve the DCK political party in Kazakhstan
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
Speech by Jean Asselborn at the occasion of the colloquium “Universities of tomorrow”
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
Statement on behalf of the EU to the Security Council of the United Nations on children and armed conflict
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
Statement on behalf of the EU to the Security Council of the United Nations on the UN Interim administration mission in Kosovo
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
Speech by Lucien Lux, Minister for the Environment at a conference-debate on "The Spring 2005 Summit and the environment in Europe"
• Speech • Environment
Statement on behalf of the EU to the Security Council on cross border issues in West Africa
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
Statement on behalf of the European Union at the Intergovernemental Preparatory Meeting of the 13th session of the Commission for Sustainable Development of the UN
• Speech •
General Affairs and External Relations
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