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Prime Minister and current President of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin, met at the Canada-EU Summit held at Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada on 19 June 2005.
The President of the Council of the European Union and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn accompanied Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU delegation also included the High Representative for the CFSP, Javier Solana, the EU Commissioner for External Relations, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the Commissioner for Trade, Peter Mandelson.
The Canadian Prime Minister was assisted by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pierre Pettigrew, and the Minister for International Trade, Jim Peterson.
During the Summit, Canada and the European Union agreed to enhance their economic partnership and to pursue "effective multilateralism " in international affairs.
The two sides also agreed to work together to fight overfishing in the North Atlantic, to take action concerning the avian influenza pandemic and to improve information-sharing on passengers travelling between Canada and Europe, the latter as part of the fight against terrorism.
Turning to economics, Canada and the European Union announced the completion of the "first round of formal negotiations" on a Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement that should respond "to the needs" of the business communities.
On climate change, Canada and the European Union reaffirmed their willingness to meet their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and, with this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal in mind, to further reflect on the shape the international climate change regime should take beyond 2012.
The EU and Canadian leaders welcomed the "conclusion of negotiations establishing a Framework for the Participation of Canada in EU-led Crisis Management Operations" and ratified an agreement to foster exchanges between the people of the EU and Canada.
While the summit was going on, Jean Asselborn held separate talks with his Canadian opposite number, Pierre Pettigrew, in a ministerial troika between Canada and the European Union. A wide range of international subjects were touched on during these discussions and the joint summit declarations on foreign policy were prepared. Both sides agreed to work together to promote peace in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. Canada and the European Union also agreed on increased cooperation with regard to the drought in Sudan, insecurity in Haiti and Iran’s nuclear programme.
At a press briefing at the end of the summit, Jean-Claude Juncker stated that the EU delegation had briefed the Canadian delegation on recent events in the EU, and especially the outcome of the European Council on 16 and 17 June 2005. The Luxembourg Prime Minister declared that the European Union’s internal problems would not affect its international commitments and its relations with partner countries. "Canada will remain one of the European Union’s main partners, and our talks today reflected the frankness and openness characteristic of our relationship", stated Jean-Claude Juncker.
Questioned on the possible effects of a political crisis over the euro within the European Union, the President of the European Council was confident that current problems would not have repercussions for the EU currency’s stability. "Economic fundamentals have not changed since the "no" results in the referenda, and the disagreement on the budget", the Prime Minister stated, adding, "I do not believe that these events will affect the euro’s exchange rate. I am not happy about what happened in Brussels, but I am confident the European Union will be able to overcome this crisis."
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