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Press Release
Fernand Boden meets the representative of the European Council of Young Farmers

Date of release : 26-05-2005

Policy area : Agriculture and Fisheries Agriculture and Fisheries

Fernand Boden, Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development, current President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, met Giacomo Ballari, the new President of the ECYF (European Council of Young Farmers) and Secretary General Henriette Christensen on 25 May 2005.

During the meeting, the exchange of views centred on supporting young farmers in the European Union, mainly in the context of the proposed regulation on rural development. The current President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council and the President of the ECYF shared the opinion that installing young farmers on farms deserves special attention to ensure succession and promote sustainable agriculture throughout the community.

Fernand Boden and Giacomo Ballari believe it is advisable to further raise the awareness of the Member States about problems encountered by young farmers upon setting up shop. To take this into account, the European rural development strategy should recommend that the Member States place priority on the establishment of young farmers.

At the same time, Giacomo Ballari thanked the Minister for the special opportunity provided by the Presidency to the ECYF at the informal meeting of Agriculture Ministers of 10 May 2005, which was an occasion to further raise the awareness of European Agriculture Ministers about the problems young farmers face.

This page was last modified on : 27-05-2005

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