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[Luxembourg 2005 Présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne]
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Chemin de navigation : Accueil > Actualités > Discours > Juin 2005 > Déclaration au nom de l'UE: Cour spéciale pour le Sierra Léone & Expansion de l'opération somalienne (EN)

Déclaration au nom de l'UE: Cour spéciale pour le Sierra Léone & Expansion de l'opération somalienne (EN)

Date du discours : 20-05-2005

Lieu : New York (Nations unies)

Orateur : Karel van den Bossche (Premier Secrétaire)

Domaine politique : Affaires générales et Relations extérieures

Thank you, Chair,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union. The EU wishes to thank Mr. Sach, acting Controller, for presenting the Secretary General’s report A/59/534/Add 3 on Special Political Missions, as well as the Chairman of the ACABQ, Mr. Kuznetsov, for introducing their related report.

In relation to the resources requested for the extension of the mandate of United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), the EU, like the ACABQ, recognises the difficulties of making precise budgetary determinations in view of the volatility of the situation in Iraq. However, we concur with the expectation of the Advisory Committee that the Secretariat will provide a fuller presentation on the basis used for determining the requirements requested, in their next budget submission. This is particularly important given recent growth in resource requirements for SPMs and the possibility that this trend will continue in the future. In this context, we consider it necessary to do our utmost to make efficient use of resources but, in order to do this, we need early and more transparant budget information.

In view of the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Bougainville (UNOMB) the EU notes the need for additional resources for the continued functioning of the mission over a six month period.

The report of the ACABQ also recalls the opinion of the Committee in its last report on Special Political Missions “that the Secretary General should consider ways and means to present the budgets of large mission in a manner which would be suitable for their size and complexity�?. The EU supports the aim of improving the presentation and transparency of budgetary information, in order to facilitate our considerations in this Committee, but emphasises its attachment to the continuation of consolidated reporting on Special Political Missions. We are willing to explore this issue further in the informal consultations, while stressing that this in no way carries any implication related to the mode of funding for any mission.

Let me conclude, Mr. Chairman, by stating that the EU is prepared to approve the SG’s proposals and the ACABQ recommendations regarding UNAMI and UNOMB.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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